If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do and become more, you are a leader.
As an HR professional, I have seen the positive impact on the bottom-line of having a healthy (and happy) corporate culture. A culture where leaders walk the talk with authenticity and communicate with integrity. I have also experienced the flipside of not having a loyal and engaged workforce. As leaders you should never underestimate the impact of your actions and words. Take responsibility for the culture you want to see in your business and ownership of building high performing teams, that leaves a legacy, future leaders in your business will aspire to.
I invite you to have an introductory discussion to allow me to share some of my insights and lessons learned.
Leadership Development

Leadership Management International (LMI) is the largest and most successful personal and organizational development company in the world. The LMI Organizational Development Process™ utilize proven assessments, planning tools, and Total Leader® development process, combining it into one consistent and sustainable implementation model.
We meet you at the point where you are in your leadership journey. Choose between the following programmes of the Total Leader concept:
- Effective Personal Leadership
- Effective Personal Productivity
- Effective Leadership Development
- Effective Motivational Leadership
- Effective Strategic Leadership.
Motivational Leadership

For leadership development to be effective, it must use a complete, integrated, total leadership development process. Leadership development is not an event, a project, or a program. Truly effective leadership development is a continuous, ongoing process.
The Effective Motivational Leader is one of the programmes in LMI’s Total Leader Concept. Motivational leadership is the ability to lead and motivate others; unfortunately, many people lack the necessary traits to execute these skills. Through Effective Motivation Leadership® skills can be developed that help close the leadership gap.
Strategy Session

Are your team stuck? Have you lost the ability to operate as a high-performing team?
This group coaching session is designed to support teams in finding innovative solutions for their mutual goals. This range from finding clarity of the vision to finding a solution to challenges where the team seems to be stuck.
We focus on where you are, where you want to be and how to get there by achieving long-term sustainable results.

Be the mentor you wish you had!
Intentional mentors have authentic, insightful and reflective mentoring conversations. Where do you start? How do you mentor?
This tw0-day workshop is designed to guide leaders to build successful mentoring relationships. This structured approach will help leaders to move away from ad hoc efforts to contributing to the personal and professional development of others. We provide an integrated solution for a mentorship program. This includes the Crucial Mentoring Conversation, VUKANI readiness workshop for mentees, a mentor / mentee matching event and a touch base session to monitor progress.
Purpose Career Momentum Performance Fitness Strengths Relationships Networks Classified Matters